Teach Through Games: Fitz It by Gamewright

15 May

Fitz-It-AllAge Level: Early elementary, Upper elementary, Middle School
This is a small card game (really, the cards are tiny!) in which players have to name objects that fit the descriptions on their cards and play them in a grid pattern. Cards include phrases such as “Comes in a variety of colors,” “Made with fabric,” and “Edible.”
This game is incredibly easy to modify. Upper elementary students will enjoy the challenge of arranging the cards in a grid pattern to name objects that fit more than one card, but you can also play the game with younger kids by having them draw one card and name objects that fit that description. (Such as, how many things can you name that “Can be rolled up.”) With some students, I structure an increase in difficulty by then pulling out two cards, so they have to come up with objects that fit both criterion, such as “Often has a logo on it” and “Made with plastic.”
Class, Feature, Function, Expressive Language, Intraverbal Conversation, Prepositions
This is one of my favorite games. As mentioned above, it is very easy to modify. It also allows you to focus on working on expressive language and recall skills in an age-appropriate way for older students. The game offers a lot of potential for increasing complexity over time, and it is easy to play with two or more children of differing skill levels.
Cons: The only con I have is that the cards are tiny, and some of my students do struggle with picking them up and grasping them.
Cost: $10.00 Should I buy this? Yes! This is a game you could make yourself, if you didn’t mind spending dozens of hours doing so. It’s a great price for a tool you can use in multiple ways with a wide range of students.
VB-MAPP: LRFFC9, Intraverbal15

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